
Dedicated To Tax Efficient Solutions

[rdy_icon_text type=”img” icon_style=”background_color_circle” custom_icon_size=”80″ title=”Estate Planning” title_tag=”h3″ link_area=”true” css_animation=”fadeIn” transition_delay=”250″ css_animation_onicon=”true” image=”219″ link=”url:%23|title:Read%20more|”]Estate Planning is essential for anyone that wants to ensure that their loved ones are adequately taken care of at death.  Estate planning is anticipating and arranging for the disposition of your assets in a way that considers your core beliefs and values so that you can leave a lasting legacy for your heirs.[/rdy_icon_text][rdy_icon_text type=”img” icon_style=”background_color_circle” custom_icon_size=”80″ title=”Tax Planning” title_tag=”h3″ link_area=”true” css_animation=”fadeIn” transition_delay=”250″ css_animation_onicon=”true” image=”200″ link=”url:%23|title:Read%20more|”]At Pare Law , our  attorneys believe that tax planning should be considered in every business plan and in every estate plan. Pare Law attorneys look for ways to minimize income taxes, gift taxes, estate taxes and generation skipping taxes in every business plan and estate plan that Pare Law attorneys design.[/rdy_icon_text]
[rdy_icon_text type=”img” custom_icon_size=”80″ title=”Business Planning” title_tag=”h3″ link_area=”true” css_animation=”fadeIn” transition_delay=”450″ css_animation_onicon=”true” image=”908″ link=”url:%23|title:Read%20more|”]We counsel our business clients on the selection of a tax efficient business structure, the design and implementation of buy sell agreements, mergers and acquisitions and business exit strategies.  We verify that a client’s business goals and objectives work in harmony with their estate plans.[/rdy_icon_text][rdy_icon_text type=”img” custom_icon_size=”80″ title=”Asset Protection” title_tag=”h3″ link_area=”true” css_animation=”fadeIn” transition_delay=”450″ css_animation_onicon=”true” image=”984″ link=”url:%23|title:Read%20more|”]The attorneys at Pare Law help our individual and business clients preserve their wealth and protect their wealth in advance of a claim or a threat of a claim.  Asset protection can be achieved through the design and implementation of  irrevocable trusts, family limited partnerships and asset re-titling.[/rdy_icon_text]
[rdy_icon_text type=”img” custom_icon_size=”80″ title=”Estate Administration and Probate” title_tag=”h3″ link_area=”true” css_animation=”fadeIn” transition_delay=”650″ css_animation_onicon=”true” image=”914″ link=”url:%23|title:Read%20more|”]Probate is a legal process that is required to validate a will or establish the heirs of a person’s estate so that a personal representative can be appointed to dispose of his or her assets upon death.  Once appointed, the personal representative is charged with the collection of the decedent’s assets, payment of expenses and debts and distribution to the heirs in accordance with the decedent’s will or the laws of intestacy.[/rdy_icon_text][rdy_icon_text type=”img” icon_style=”background_color_circle” custom_icon_size=”80″ title=”Charitable Planning” title_tag=”h3″ link_area=”true” css_animation=”fadeIn” transition_delay=”650″ css_animation_onicon=”true” image=”1047″ link=”url:%23|title:Read%20more|”]Pare Law attorneys enjoy helping our clients achieve their philanthropic goals and objectives in a tax efficient way by designing charitable remainder trusts, private foundations and gifting plans.[/rdy_icon_text]
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Estate Planning, Business Planning, and Tax Planning Blog Most Recent Updates

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Tax Efficient Solutions to Your Estate & Business Planning Needs

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